1. The South PPT (pg 28)
2. The North/South T-Chart (pg 29)
HW. Textbook Reading Notes - Pages 270-274 (pg 30)
Today, to contrast last week's study of the North, we begin our study of the economy, culture, technology, transportation, and geography of the South. We began with the South PowerPoint, then created a North/South comparison t-chart.
Some students had difficulty finding some vocabulary terms. If you can't find them in the textbook, then feel free to consult the Internet or a dictionary for help. The terms you may need a little extra help on are:
- sectionalism
- agrarian economy
- industrial economy
- martyr
We also discussed these definitions in class.
Our homework tonight is to read the textbook (pages 270-274) and take reading notes. The notes may be in whatever format you prefer (outline, bullet points, Cornell, etc.). Take the notes on page 30 of the INB, and be prepared to be quizzed on the material at our next class.