Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The South - February 27, 2008

Today's agenda:
1. The South PPT (pg 34)
2. The North/South T-Chart (pg 35)
3. Textbook Reading Notes - Pages 270-274 (pg 36)

HW: Finish whatever you didn't finish in class, plus the vocab

Today, to contrast last week's study of the North, we begin our study of the economy, culture, technology, transportation, and geography of the South. We began with the South PowerPoint, then created a North/South comparison t-chart. Be prepared for a North/South Quiz when Mr. Ippolito returns from his conference!!

Finally, we read in the textbook (pages 270-274) and took reading notes. Your homework for tonight is to finish the textbook assignment (if you didn't in class), plus finish your vocab for next week.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sample Abolitionist Scrapbook pages

Here are a couple samples of the Abolitionist Scrapbook Page. Of course it goes without saying that you may use these as samples as a guide, but you certainly wouldn't be silly enough to just copy these as your own, as that would be plagiarism--a form of cheating. Good luck with your homework this evening!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Abolitionists - February 25, 2008

Today's agenda:
1. Warm-Up: Vocabulary Snapshots
2. Talkers, Writers, and Do-ers of Abolitionism (pg 32-33)


3. The Abolitionist Scrapbook Page (pg 31)

Today in history we began by having some fun with vocabulary words by getting into groups and acting them out.

We then moved back to the topic of Northern reform movements, and the people in the United States working to end slavery in America. These reformers were called "abolitionists," since they fought to abolish slavery. There were "talkers," those who gave stirring speeches against slavery; there were "writers," those who used the printed word; and finally there were "do-ers," those who felt the best way to end slavery was through action.

Who was most effective at working to end slavery? The talkers? The writers? The do-ers? That is the topic of your homework tonight. Create an Abolitionist Scrapbook Page to demonstrate whom you believe to be the most influential in the fight against slavery. The assignment description is right at the bottom of the second page of your notes from today's slide lecture.

"I need to see an example, Mr. Ippolito!" OK, fair enough, I did mention that I will post an example, and I will do that tomorrow when I'm back at school.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mr. Ippolito just got elected President!

OK, it was only an online simulation, but what a fun game! You can get on the campaign trail yourself, and use some of the knowledge you gained from our elections mini-unit to see if YOU can get elected the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Click HERE to play!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Reform Movements of the North - February 21, 2008

Today's agenda:
1. Reform Movements in the North (pg 27)
2. Women's Rights Convention (pg 28)
HW: Reform Poster(pg 29)
HW: Vocab (pg 30) - due March 4/5

Absent today? Read pages 288-304 in your textbook (for "Reform Movements"), and then you can download all the handouts HERE.

Today in history we studied the many reform movements begun in the North between 1800 and 1850. These movements were inspired by the religious revival of the Second Great Awakening. American Christians in the North were inspired to improve themselves, and the world around them.

Reformers sought change in the areas of:
- Treatment of prisoners
- Treatment of the mentally ill
- Education
- Abolition of slavery
- Temperance (ban on alcohol)
- Women's rights

One of the most interesting figures in the temperance movement was Carrie Nation. She actually appeared a little bit later in the 19th century, but she was quite a character. With her trademark axe, she went from tavern to tavern smashing containers of alcohol. Want to find out more about this fascinating individual? Check out these sites:

They even have a Carry (it can be spelled either way) Nation festival in Michigan! I doubt they serve wine or beer there! :-) Check it out here:

Next class, we'll begin our study of the South.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The North - February 19, 2008

1. INB Grading
2. The North PPT Interactive Slide Lecture (pg 24) - download the PPT HERE
HW: Roads, Canals, and Turnpikes (pg 25)

We begin our next unit, "Antebellum America," by studying the North. We learned about the geography, economy, population, technology, and transportation of the North in the early 1800s.

These next four weeks are full of very valuable information that will help you understand the time leading up to the Civil War. Additionally, it will be valuable knowledge for the benchmark test! Stay healthy and show up to school every day to get all this great stuff!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Are you ready for INB grading?

Fixing up your INB this weekend? This might be helpful . . .

Friday, February 15, 2008

Yukon student appears in music video!

See if you recognize the Yukon student in this video. Click here:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Acck! I need to make up my test! - February 14, 2008

For those of you who missed the Manifest Destiny Unit Exam because of illness, first of all, I hope you feel better. I got hit with the flu last weekend, and it's NO fun!

However, I need to turn my grades in by 8:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, whether you have your exam done or not. So, here are your options:

1. Take the zero FOR NOW on the exam. Your progress report grade won't look so good, but you'll then have a week to make up the exam, and then your grade will go back up.

2. Make up the exam BEFORE grades are due. There are two times for this:
- Friday, 2/15, at 1:00 p.m. in my classroom
- Tuesday, 2/19, at 6:45 a.m. in my classroom
To take the exam during one of these two times, please e-mail me at to tell me you will be there, and I'll have a test ready for you.

Questions? Contact me!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Podcast problems?

I've heard from a couple different students telling me of podcast download problems. Yikes! If you're up late on a Wednesday evening, and you're having problems, you can download the recordings directly from here:


Good luck!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Manifest Destiny Review Podcast - Parts I and II

Hey team!

Here are Parts I and II of the Manifest Destiny Review HERE.

I would love your feedback if you thought this new way of sharing the podcast was easier or more difficult. Good luck studying for the exam!

Oh, and if you need to download a copy of the review, check the post just below this one.


Recovering from illness just in time for . . .

your exam review!!!

Hey Team Yukon, I was pretty miserable the past few days, but my fever broke last night, and I'm ready to start thinking "history" again!

OK, to get you started, you can download your Manifest Destiny EXAM REVIEW. You'll get a hard copy in the next class, but for those of you go-getters who want to get an early start, here you go.

Your Manifest Destiny Unit Exam will be this Wednesday (A-day) and Thursday (B-day).

By the end of the day today, I will post my exam review podcast. Stay tuned!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Mexican War - February 7, 2008

1. The Mexican-American War (pg 18)
2. Texas War compared to Mexican War (pg 19)
HW: Manifest Destiny Perspectives (pg 20)

Today we transitioned from one war and right into the next. The Texians won their war for independence against Mexico in 1836, but the US government wasn't quite ready to invite Texas into the Union. Northern Congressman were concerned that bringing a new slave state into the Union would upset the balance between slave and free states in the Senate.

President James K. Polk made a campaign promise to bring both Oregon and Texas into the Union. President John Tyler beat Polk to it as he signed an agreement to peacefully settle the Oregon dividing line with Britain at the 49th parallel.

Polk set his eyes on Texas, and the US annexed the Lone Star State in 1845. The Texas matter wasn't settled with Santa Anna, and the new American maps claiming the Rio Grande as Texas' southern border infuriated the Mexican leader. Mexico insisted that Texas' southern border was the Nueces River.

Polk sent General Zachary Taylor across the Nueces River to show Santa Anna that we intended to protect our territory and our boundaries, and the Mexican-American War began.


Monday, February 4, 2008

The Alamo - your thoughts

Sir Walter Scott said, "One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name." In the movie, "The Alamo," William Travis says this to his young son before he leaves him.

What do you think this quote means, and do you agree or disagree? Give your thoughts, and read others' comments by clicking on the heading to this blog entry, or by clicking on "Comments" below.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Continuing Manifest Destiny and The Alamo - February 1, 2008

1. Finish "Presidential Candidate Analysis" sheet (pg 14)
2. Manifest Destiny Key Terms (pg 15)
3. Remember the Alamo (pg 16) - THIS IS YOUR HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS
4. While You Watch . . . The Alamo (pg 17)
MOVIE: "The Alamo"

Today was a day of variety. Students finished up whatever work they had remaining from our mini-unit on the California Presidential Primary. We then got to back to work on our Manifest Destiny unit.

Students have been working hard in Team Yukon history for the past three weeks, so as a reward for our hard work, we began watching the 2004 Disney movie "The Alamo" starring Dennis Quaid, Billy Bob Thornton, and Jason Patric. We watched the first 45 minutes today, and we will finish the movie in our next class. If you want a quick and easy viewing guide for the movie, you can download it HERE.

Finally, please remind your parents and other family members age 18 or older to VOTE on Election Day, Tuesday, February 5. Plus make sure that YOU VOTE for your favorite Republican and Democratic Presidential candidate at The polls open Monday morning at 7:00 a.m. and close on Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.

Have a great weekend!