Thursday, October 9, 2008

INB Grading and Benchmark Exam Review - October 9-10, 2008

Today we graded our Interactive Notebook and spent the remaining time reviewing for the benchmark. It's hard to cram a whole quarter's worth of learning into less than half a class period, though. Therefore, I HIGHLY encourage you to take some time over the next few days to review the Quarter One Benchmark Standards Guide. Look at the number of questions that will address each standard, and try to predict (based on what we learned this quarter) what questions might be on the benchmark. Need another copy? Download it here:

Sometime after 7:00 p.m. this evening, I will upload the Q1 Benchmark Review Podcast. In this podcast, I will go over the Standards Guide with you, one at a time, to remind you of all the great things we learned this quarter. Once the podcast is up, you'll be able to listen to it right on your computer, or download it to put onto your iPod or other MP3 player. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I really appreciate this!