Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pioneers' Experience on the Oregon Trail - January 22, 2008

1. Lewis and Clark video/journal (pg 7)
2. Pioneers' Experience on the Oregon Trail (pgs 8-9)
3. Share your Appleton family stories
HW: Pioneer Do's and Don'ts flyer (pg 10)

Today we started with a video and discussion on Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Discovery as they trekked across North America in search of the Pacific Ocean. Their 28 month journey was amazing, and they were hailed as heroes when they returned to St. Louis. What happened to these brave men and the rest of their group? Which one of them was the "original American working mom?" Which of them went on to become Governor of Missouri Territory? Which one shot himself and is buried next to a tavern in Tennessee? You can read biographies of all these amazing individuals on the PBS website here:

We also learned more about the pioneers as they traveled west to Oregon. We learned of eight different parts of the dangerous journey to the West. Your homework for tonight is to prepare a list of "Do's" and "Don'ts" for those traveling west. What advice would you give to a family getting ready to make this 2,400 mile journey?

Do you have suggestions to make this blog more useful for you? E-mail Mr. Ippolito at rvi@hartdistrict.org, or just leave a comment here on the blog!


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