Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Horseshoe!

We went to the Steak 'n Shake for lunch and our friend Richard insisted that we try the Horseshoe (a Springfield creation). Don't tell my Biggest Loser teammate Mr Welch, but I had to try one. It's a burger on toast, covered with cheese sauce and covered with fries. The good news: I didn't eat the whole thing. My arteries are at least grateful for that.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, I wish that was in your classroom so I could have taken it from you. :P

Ron Ippolito said...

It's easy to make. I bet you could go to Denny's or IHOP or some place like that. It's simple:

Toast with
Hamburger patties on top of that with
Cheese sauce on top of that with
French fries on top of that!

You could even make it at home! Good luck, Billy!