Monday, February 23, 2009

The Origins of Slavery - February 23-24, 2009

1. Journal - "Slavery in the Americas" (pg 37)
Read the article "Drawing the Color Line" (if you were absent, pick it up from me in class) and look at the triangle trade placard to answer the following two questions:
- What do we mean when we say "triangular trade"? What was this "triangle" and what did it have to do with slavery?
- According to the Zinn article how did slavery begin in America?

2. Imagining the Horrors of Enslavement (pg 38)
This was an interactive activity combining narration from the novel "Roots" and clips from the movie "Roots." In it, we learn the story of Kunta Kinte, a member of the Mandinge tribe from The Gambia in West Africa. We see him in his village, captured by the slave traders, and his journey along the dreaded Middle Passage from Africa to America. I asked students to place themselves in the position of Kunta to feel what it's like to become a slave. Come in to see me outside of classtime so I can catch you up on this activity.

HW: African-American Sensory Figure (pg 39)
As a follow-up to the Kunta Kinte activity, students are asked to give six different senses that they might experience if they had just been enslaved. Pick this up in class if you were absent and complete the assignment AFTER you have done the "Horrors of Enslavement" activity.


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